A non-profit organization that supports women and men who are diagnosed with the disease in its process.
Why We Care
We want to improve the knowledge about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Many women and men have no symptoms, which is important to get regular breast cancer screening is important.
Early Detection
It’s important to know the early symptoms of breast cancer, which is having a lump or mass. The most common symptoms of breast cancer are a new lump or mass, but other symptoms are also possible.
Love & Strength
We can strengthen the emotional support of women and men diagnosed with breast cancer so they can cope with the disease and develop a new project. We want to pass the love to every women and men going through this disease.
(We’re In This Together)
Our “We Are in This Together” bag is filled with hope and has all the supplies for your care to give you the strength to keep fighting to take control of your life. Example of the items in the bad are socks, journals, lip balm, moisturizer cream, bookmark, Kleenex, etc.
We are a voice that understand. We will strength support.
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